Credible Free Resources
Every once in a while, a party is sophisticated enough, and a matter is simple enough, where pro se representation can make good sense. Not usually. Usually, the expertise and credibility of an attorney goes a long way. But attorneys cost money, because attorneys need to be fed and watered several times a day, and I get that. So every once in a while, I direct the potential pro se party to free resources. At this point, there are basically four free resources that I recommend without hesitation:
Kansas Bar Association Public Service Pamphlets. Currently available at: The pamphlets cover a variety of areas. Power of attorney forms and living will forms are included in the relevant pamphlets (actually, I updated them for the KBA a couple of years ago). Although you have the option to order physical pamphlets, this is unnecessary. Just click on the links to read them for free.
Kansas Legal Services Free Legal Forms. Currently available at: These forms span several areas of law. There is a bunch of good stuff in there, including family law, name changes, custody, protection from abuse, small claims. Some of these link to the courts website and the Kansas judicial council, see below.
Kansas Judicial Counsel. Currently available at: This website is wonderful. Well, if you like forms, it's wonderful. Because it has forms. Lots of them, divided by subject area. If you are afraid of forms, I suppose it is your worst nightmare. But seriously, maybe it's time to get over that fear of forms.
Courts Website. Self help information is currently available at: Pretty basic stuff, but probably good for the lay person to read and understand.